Image of young woman keeping her mouth open while dentist examining it

If you’re a parent, you’re likely aware that your child’s or children’s oral health is important. There’s no question you want them to brush their teeth, floss, and establish good habits that will help them later in life.

Because your kids’ oral health is not something you want to leave to chance, that’s why it’s important to choose an orthodontics practice that’s going to benefit your family. It’s estimated that between 25 to 50% percent of kids require orthodontics such as braces and the average time a child will need them is about two years.

How do you find a good family orthodontist? The process is actually quite simple and if you do your homework, you’ll be able to find the perfect practice for your family:


One of the easiest ways to find the best family orthodontist is to get recommendations. If there’s an orthodontist practice you’ve heard about from friends or family, it may be worth looking into. If your child is dealing with a specific kind of oral health issue such as an overbite, you can also ask around to find a practice that specializes in correcting overbites. By getting a recommendation from a trusted source, you’re going to feel more comfortable and so is your child.


It’s often said that you can find just about anything on the Internet. That certainly includes finding an orthodontist in your area. With a quick Google search, you can find orthodontists in your area, you can read reviews of different practices, and you can see what kinds of specialized services they might offer. With a search, you can make a list of practices that fit what you’re looking for and then research more specifically.


Orthodontist practices come in a lot of different forms, but at the end of the day, you want to know that the orthodontist treating your child is qualified for the job. If qualifications are a big factor in your decision of finding a family practice, ask for an orthodontist’s qualifications and ask them about anything you’re unsure of.


As you search for the right practice for your family, you’re definitely going to want to pay attention to finances. You’ll want to check and see what a particular practice’s policies are with insurance claims — will they accept your insurance provider, and will you be required to pay upfront for certain services? Orthodontic treatments can also be very expensive, so you may want to ask if a particular practice offers payment plans.


Bottom line: whether you’re choosing a school for your child, a family doctor, or an orthodontist, you want to feel comfortable with your choice. By taking time to ask for recommendations and referrals, research online, and talk to the folks who actually work at different practices, you’ll be able to find the perfect orthodontist for your family and feel comfortable knowing they will be taken care of.