What is Smile Doctors Tulsa Remote Care?

Smile Doctors remote care includes orthodontic care at almost any location through the Smile Doctors Anywhere app. The app offers appointment scheduling, direct messaging with your orthodontist, and remote care visits!

Smile Doctors Remote Care

Will remote care replace my in-office appointments?

Remote monitoring does not replace all in-office appointments, but it sure does limit the number of visits! You have the option to take oral scans yourself, from anywhere, anytime.

How does it work?

Once you receive and begin treatment with your aligners, you can use your Smile Doctors Anywhere app for feedback from your orthodontist.

It enables patients to track their progress by submitting weekly photos of their smiles through the platform using the provided Scan Box Pro, which is an accessory that attaches to cell phones and is placed in the mouth to allow for precise images.

These images are then submitted directly to your local orthodontist who provides personalized feedback and direction for moving forward through video and direct messaging. The app also serves as the platform for virtual appointments, scheduled within the app, where the doctor and patient can discuss progress one-on-one.

This is a great option for eligible adults. For more information, download the app and get started!

Smile Doctors Remote Care