orthodontic treatmentsStraightening your teeth can significantly transform your life. In addition to a beautiful smile, orthodontics can boost your confidence and improve your facial structure. Braces can also help you get rid of malocclusions. Orthodontists report that an overbite is the second most common reason for orthodontic treatments, right after aesthetics. However, you may need to be wary of several pitfalls on your journey to achieving straight teeth. Here are five mistakes that you may need to avoid during your braces treatment.

1. Neglecting Oral Hygiene

Braces demand a higher level of care and oral hygiene throughout the treatment period. Orthodontists recommend brushing your teeth after every meal with an interdental toothbrush. It is also advisable to floss at least once a day. Regular brushing and flossing will prevent food particles from sticking between your wires and tooth spaces, leading to plaque development. Poor oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment may cause tooth discoloration, halitosis, and gum disease. If you are not in a position to brush after a meal, always rinse your mouth.

2. Skipping Your Orthodontic Appointments

You may need to continue seeing your orthodontic specialist during your treatment period. The orthodontists can track your progress and identify any issues that you may need to address. Additionally, the orthodontist can repair and replace any broken parts that may have fallen off your braces. For Invisalign aligners, you may have to go to the orthodontic practice every two weeks to get a new set.

3. Eating the Restricted Foods

Your orthodontist may recommend that you drop some meals during the time which you have your braces on. Hard foods such as corn, nuts, and chips may put excessive pressure on your brackets, causing them to crack. Sticky snacks such as candy are also not advisable as they may stick between your teeth, making it hard to clean your teeth. You may have to adjust to soft foods such as smoothies, soups, and yogurts. You can also opt for Invisalign braces. You can remove the plastic plates during mealtimes and fit them back when you finish eating.

4. Choosing the Cheapest Option

Getting your teeth straightened with braces can be expensive. Most people try to save by seeking the cheapest treatment option available. While it may be understandable, it may not always be the best choice when you need extensive orthodontic treatment. Orthodontists with cheap treatment plans will mostly use outdated equipment for your teeth realignment. Find an orthodontist that fits within your budget range that uses up-to-date technologies and techniques.

5. Not Considering Early Orthodontic Treatment

The American Association of Orthodontists estimates there are over 4.5 million Americans on braces treatment currently. The board also recommends parents take their children for their first appointment by the age of seven. At this age, the child has enough permanent teeth for the orthodontist to point out any misalignment or bad bites. It would be best to take advantage of this window of opportunity to rectify any teeth issues. However, it is never late to get your teeth straightened. You can get adult braces just like the over 25% of Americans on orthodontic treatment today.

Orthodontists can help you get a perfect smile through braces treatment. It would help if you tried to avoid these mistakes, which can eventually slow down your teeth’s realignment process. If you would like more information on taking care of your braces, please contact our team at Nowlin Orthodontics today for a free orthodontic consultation.