braces painEveryone deserves a perfect smile. Comprehensive studies report that most people gauge others’ attractiveness based on how bright and aligned their teeth are. However, not everyone is born with a perfect set of teeth.

For people with an overbite or under-bite, or with crowded teeth, braces could be a beneficial long-term solution. Many people in need of orthodontic treatment stall for as long as they can because of the fear they have for braces pain. Let’s talk about that, shall we?

Are Braces Painful When They’re First Installed?

Having an orthodontist put braces on your teeth doesn’t lead to braces pain.

The process takes anywhere between one and a half hours. Your orthodontist first puts bands around the molars in the back of your mouth. This may involve pinching and slight pressure, but isn’t painful.

Afterward, the orthodontic specialist applies the brackets to your teeth with a special glue and uses wires to connect the brackets. After this is done, all that’s left is securing everything with elastic bands.

Within a few hours, you will develop some soreness and pain in your teeth and gums. This is because the braces straighten misaligned teeth by applying pressure on them. This braces pain may last up to a week, as you get used to having braces in your mouth, and as your teeth adapt to the pressure.

During this time, it may be challenging to eat hard foods. You can, however, have any of the following; frozen yogurt, soft fruit-like berries and bananas, cold drinks, oatmeal, mashed potatoes, and other such foods that don’t need much chewing.

Is it Painful to Get Your Braces Tightened?

By putting constant pressure on your teeth, braces correct misaligned teeth. Over time, your teeth start moving into a straighter position, implying that the pressure reduces, making the braces less effective. You’ll have to make rather frequent visits to your orthodontic specialist to get them tightened.

At such appointments, your orthodontist will tighten the wires, elastic bands or springs to get your braces tight and functional again. Having your braces tightened can cause temporary pain and soreness; however, the discomfort isn’t quite as significant as it was when you first got braces installed.

Is it Painful When Your Braces are Getting Removed?

All dental procedures can be a little uncomfortable and invasive, especially when it comes to correcting misaligned teeth. However, the silver lining under these clouds is seeing your new, straightened teeth for the first time. Generally, though, having your aligners removed shouldn’t cause any braces pain.

After your orthodontist takes your braces off, they will clean your teeth thoroughly. They may also want to have another set of X-rays done to see how effective the braces were. If your wisdom teeth are growing out, they may have to be removed to keep them from pushing your newly straightened teeth out of alignment.

Taking your braces off may come as a relief, but doesn’t point to the end of your orthodontic treatment. You will have a retainer fitted to make sure your teeth don’t move back into their original positions. These retainers are usually custom-made from plastic and rubber and may have wires that hold your teeth in place as your gums and bones heal.

Retainers may need to be worn every day, although they are typically worn at night. Either way, it shouldn’t cause braces pain.

How to Deal with Braces Pain

Typically, braces pain can be treated using over-the-counter pain medications. Tylenol is commonly used, but Advil and Aleve can help reduce inflammation in the gums. Your orthodontist may provide a soft wax to use when the edges of your braces rub against the inside of your cheeks. This wax provides a barrier that reduces the chances of getting any cuts, scraps, and sores.

Sometimes, wires and brackets may get out of place, causing you braces pain and discomfort. Under such circumstances, you ought to visit your specialist right away.

You ought to remember that food such as hard candy, popcorn, and gum all damage braces, and you should stay away from them.