The earlier you can visit an orthodontist’s office, the sooner your problems can be identified, and interventions can be started. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, about 3.9 million children in America are orthodontic patients. Orthodontist intervention at an early stage in life typically yields better results compared to intervention later in life. Orthodontists can detect problems, monitor development, and utilize braces to correct a child’s teeth before more complicated issues develop.

Detection of Underlying Problems

Visiting the orthodontist helps in the early detection of underlying problems. Some dental issues remain hidden until they manifest in later years and require complex operative procedures to correct. Many of these problems can be easily detected and corrected if the patient sees an orthodontist early on.

For example, it can be hard for untrained professionals to identify when a baby tooth does not fall out. The parent may hardly take notice of it until the permanent tooth grows on the side or at an angle. This may require complex corrective procedures, and, in some cases, could result in the loss of a permanent tooth. Early detection allows an orthodontist to remove the tooth and let the permanent tooth grow in properly.

Monitoring Development

Visiting the orthodontist early on allows them to monitor the development of the jaw in comparison with the development of the teeth. This is important in avoiding the crowding of teeth and the development of an overbite or underbite. This significantly reduces the possibility of having to pull out teeth later in life.

Preparedness for Braces

Children can only wear braces after all of their baby teeth have been replaced by permanent teeth. However, retainers and aligners can be used on children to guide their teeth to grow in the right position. These can be used to avoid the use of braces altogether. However, early visits to the orthodontist may not prevent the need for braces altogether.

For more information on how an orthodontist can help your child, contact Nowlin Orthodontics. We treat patients of all ages and can help with costs through financing solutions. Call today or visit our website!