Emergency Orthodontic Care in Tulsa and Glenpool
At Nowlin Orthodontics, we want you to text us if you feel you are experiencing an orthodontic emergency such as severe discomfort. While there will always be some level of irritation or discomfort when your braces are adjusted, this should only last for a couple of days. If it continues beyond that, you may have an underlying infection or another issue that must be identified.
We would rather have you text our office and schedule an exam than to be worried or suffer unnecessarily. We are available to help you in the evening or weekend as necessary.
In order to determine if you are facing an orthodontic emergency that requires an immediate appointment, we will ask questions to assess the situation and provide recommendations for what you can do at home prior to coming in. At times, our patients prefer to follow this advice and come in during the week so as not to interfere with their weekend activities. Regardless of what you need, we can help, so text Nowlin Orthodontics for all of your orthodontic emergencies.