
Having a great smile that makes you feel confident can make a world of difference. The difference in today’s world is that teens and adults looking to straighten their teeth don’t have to put up with the awkward and uncomfortable experience of having braces. Invisalign has changed that. Over 5 million people, which includes 1 million teens, are deciding to skip the pain and appearance of braces and straighten their smile with Invisalign.

Get the Best Fit

As Invisalign has become one of the most popular ways to straighten teeth, you want to make sure that you are selecting a comprehensive plan that will cover the orthodontic needs of you or your teens. To select the right treatment plan, you need to first get a proper fit Electronic Cast Radiograph Evaluation (ERC). The ERC process uses x-rays to identify areas of improvement in your teeth and jaw structure.

After this, an orthodontist can evaluate the scans and recommend how to proceed with treatment. Depending on the severity of your dental issues, a plan will be mapped out to determine how many adjustments will be needed.

Get a Clear Treatment Plan

Having a set treatment plan and a correct ERC are just the beginning steps for Invisalign. To get the perfect smile, you need to make sure you stay on top of the treatment process. You need to wear your aligners. This may seem obvious, but sometimes people forget to put them in – even a few days can make a difference in your treatment process.

Care for Your Aligners

You also need to be sure to care for your aligners, as they are made of lightweight polyurethane resins and can be damaged. They should always be removed when you are eating and need to be cleaned thoroughly. Always keeping your Invisalign case on you can act as a great reminder.

Get New Aligners Frequently

With Invisalign, you will get new aligners every one to two weeks. This is because each set of aligners is modified slightly to help straighten and shift teeth to form the perfect smile. As not everyone is the same, you should keep track of how your aligners feel. Once you get that ‘tight’ feeling, it is time to get a new set.

Keep Up With Your Appointments

Lastly, it is important to have regular check-ups with your orthodontist. These should be done every four-six weeks so that your progress can be tracked and, if needed, they can make any changes to your treatment plan. See if Invisalign is right for you by visiting Nowlin Orthodontics, today!